Beautiful Mama
2009-05-18 09:17:50 UTC
Currently I have a basic work checking account, and two savings accounts that don't really generate any return (so I feel like I am just putting in cash and it's not growing at all)- and I have an additional savings account that is for Christmas each year only- AND, I have an HSBC account I opened almost two years ago that I have a miniscule amount of money in that I am not even sure what to do with?! I am not sure why I even opened it.
As a single mother, I have 3 basic goals right now:
1. Save for an emergency fund of 3-6 months worth of living expenses
2. Save for the moving out process (I am currently staying with family)
3. Save for retirement (401K is not available for me right now at my work place)- I have 2 401Ks from previous companies- one 401K is in a IRA and the other one I need to move- but I don't know what type of IRA to move that one into or if there are other options?
Please- I need suggestions!
Thank you!