money printing hmmmm, when we have lots of money we could buy evverything we want.
suppose the government wants to give money and prints lots of 'em, everyone, literally everyone have tons of money, everyone wants to buy everything.
so what's gonna happen? if there is too much money, the seller of the goods knowing he cant sell goods to everyone will try to make sure he gets the highest price for its products.
and since people would wanna buy it and they have lots of money they will be willing to pay for it at a very high, ridiculous price even.
so what does lots of printed money create? it increases the prices of goods, it devaluates the money.
When you can buy a 10 karat diamond now with 2million dollars, the ten karat diamond will not just cost 2million dollars when everyone already has 2million dollars in their pockets.
the central bank's basic indicator for all these control is still the Law of demand and supply, if consumers have high demand, the supply dwindles. If there is too much supply, then demand will not be so high anymore since the supply almost services every demand that comes up.
the eroding value of your savings:
a lot of factors come in play when a currency loses its value (devaluation), notice that when a currency looses its value interest rates for savings and loans go up.
reason behind:
a currency looses its value when there is too much currency out in the market (lots of people want to spend money instead of keeping it and putting it in the bank)- read too much supply of money is out, so what happens the currency is devalued, prices go up
governement controls it by raising interest rates to a level that encourage people to save their money and putting it in banks thus lowering the money supply in play, for the currency's value to rise.
it also raises interest in loans so people would be discouraged to take out loans and spend the money.