"A" "B1,B2" "C" "Z" are from the equities and "F" is from debt markt..
'A' Group is a category where there is a facility for carry forward to the next settlement cycle. These are companies with fairly good growth record in terms of dividend and capital appreciation. The scrips in this group are classified on the basis of equity capital, market capitalisation, number of years of listing on the exchange, public share holding, floating stock, trading volume etc.
'B1, B2'Group is a subset of the other listed shares that enjoy higher market capitalisation and liquidity than the rest.
'C' group covers the odd lot securities in 'A', 'B1' & 'B2' groups
'T'' Also termed as the trade to trade group this category comprises of shares which have to be settled in delivery for all buys and sells and square off of bought and sold positions during the day is not permitted. This is a part of the survelience from the BSE to counter any ackward unwarranted movements in such scrips
'Z' Group category comprises of shares of the companies which does not comply with the rules and regulations of the Stock Exchange and are at times suspended from trading due to the above said reasons
The trading cycle for the above scrips is from monday to friday and starting sat(carry forward for A scrips) the settlement by payment of money and delivery of securities in the following week.
'F' Group represents the debt market segment