2014-03-27 12:14:06 UTC
For example a Mazal Tov Bond has a minimum subscription of $100.00 and it matures in 5 years. Does this mean that I can give $100.00 of my money and completely forget about my bond for 5 years and then after 5 years have passed, go and "cash in" my matured bond?
What does increments of $10.00 mean? From what I understand it means I can get up on any given day and give another $10.00 worth of bonds, as long as I made an initial $100.00 investment.
Are Israeli Government Bonds really as simple as they sound? Can I really make my initial investment and then forget about it until the bond matures? Stocks seem more confusing and you always have to be watching them, I get the impression that bonds don't have to be so closely watched. I also have very, little money to invest at this time so bonds seemed like a smart option.
I love Israel and I would like to buy a Israel Government Bond as a small way of practicing what I preach. I'm not overly concerned with profit, although I'm not opposed to making a profit, but it is the least of my concerns.