stands for Re-Purchase Option
It means a person sells a security, .... with an option buy back the same in a future date.
abc bank sells a security to xyz bank for 100 million, say at a price of 97.90 per 100 today ............ with a option to repurchase or buy back ... the same at 97.95 after a week.
This is called a Repo for abc bank.
for xyz bank the same deal is called a revrse repo, i.e. buying now to sell forward after a week.
Repo is primarily a money market instrument for banks.
For a Central Bank it is a monetary instrument.
As money market instrument, ...... repos are actively used by the banks for their temporary liquidity adjustments.
Take the same example of abc bank and xyz bank.
abc bank, seeing that the call money rate is higher, resorts to repo for 100 mio securities at 97.90 sell now & buy after a week at 97.95
This means that abc sells securities and gets 97.90 million now and uses the cash for its immediate uses like paying depositors, meeting reserve requirements, etc.
after a week, it gets back the 100 mio securities from xyz bank by paying 97.95 million.
i.e. it pays 0.05 million (97.95 - 97.90) for using the money for a week.
the 0.05 million is nothing but the interest for a week for 97.90. the abc bank has resorted to this, because in call money market, it would have to pay more than 0.05 million.
This repo or reverse repo are called collateralised lending, because the lender (xyz bank) gets the security for a week.
This is how a repo is operated in the interbank money market.
$$$ [you might have heard about call money market. here banks lend and borrow for their daily requirements. this lending and borrowing is purely unsecured.] $$$
How repo is used by a central bank
$$$$ Before that let us learn about Inflation
[ A Central bank's main concern is to maintain price stability in the system.
If there is excess money in the country or system, then it will result in too much money chasing too few goods. Automatically people will offer more for goods and the process will increase.
This condition is called inflation.
On the other hand ....... if there is shortage in liquidity, then the system will have less money than required.
This will result in people postponing their decision to buy or reducing their needs
and ultimately, the goods will remain unsold. The prices will come down and factors of production will suffer.
Both the conditions are not good for the country.
If the prices remain at constant level, then economy will not grow. .... A Central bank always tries to maintain a balance between the two, by trying to maintain a low inflation level of 2 to 3 % every year. $$$$$$
What is bank rate? ......... Bank rate is the rate at which the RBI will give demand loans to banks or discount the eligible bills of banks.
back to the repo subject
For a central bank, its a monetary instrument (instrument to guide, control and correct the market). how?
Repo rates and bank rates are not the same.
When the system has excess liquidity (i.e. when there is excess money in the system) the central bank will hike the repo rate. As a result, the banks will come to central bank I and buy the securities and give the money. (since it is attractive than the call rate). The central bank, thus, will absorb the excess liquidity in the system as and when required.
On the other hand, if there is tightness in the liquidity in the system, then central bank will lower the reverse repo rates. As a result, the banks will come to the central bank and sell securities and get the money at rates cheaper than call money rates. Thus the shortage in the system is set right by infusion of money in the system.
Thats why repo and reverse repo rates are called the guiding rates to the call money market.
You can now appreciate that the repo has a sacred link with the inflation control in a country.
As regards the influence of repo in the stock market,
I dont think there is any direct link .......
except that ...
the change in repo rates by the central bank send immediate signals in the market for tightening of liquidity.
This will render the investible sources lesser
and hence the stock market will undergo some downward corrections.