Sure. Its easy once you get the lingo. Ok: TTWO is the TICKER SYMBOL. It trades on the NASDAQ which is an index for newer company's and mainly for technology companies.
The last trade is the last price the stock traded for before the market closed.
The stock was down for the day at 42 cent or 2.72% the ( ) means negative or minus.
Previous close is the day before or last day it traded and the last price at close of maket.
The open is the open price when the market opened.
The BID AND ASK PRICE is what investors are willing to buy and sell at. The BID is for buyers and ask is for sellers.
Yearly target price. Every stock has analysts. They will research the earnings of a company and make an estimate on how they feel the company will do for the year. So its the estimated stock price for the year.
Days range is the price movement during the trading day. Its important to watch this. Shows good or bad interest in the stock. Wild movements are not very good. Steady uptrend is good.
52 week range is the yearly price movement in the year. $10 is not very good.
Volume is something you should keep an eye on. The volume is the rate of buying and selling of a stock. Look for stock with the volume going way above the average volume. It means that people are buying the hell out of it. Also selling the hell out of it.
Market cap means the size of the company based on value. Best buy is a large cap stock. Its a huge company. Small caps are a small business or company. It the size.
P/E is another one to keep an eye on. Price to earning ratio. How much you are spending for profit.
Example: Best buy stock price is $50 and cir cut city is $20. I stand to make $100 with cir cut city for $20 share and I stand to make $125 with best buy for $ 50 a share. Which one is more worth it? or the cheapest way to profit.Do alot of study on the P/E.
EPS another one to pay close attention on. Earnings per share. How much a company makes per share. Compare this to any other company you are looking at. .55 is the EPS for the quarter. Add all the quarters or the EPS for the each quarter and you have your EPS for the year.
DIV/YIELD: This is a dividend. Most large cap stocks pay you for owning their stock. some stocks will pay %5 so lets say the stock will pay you 3.00 a share. If you own 500 shares you get $3.00 for each.
Quotes delayed means that some sites that offer stock quotes may take longer then others to update.
Good luck and stick with it and dont stop!!