Have simple 3 steps:
1. Open a dmat account with ICICI / HDFC / SBI or Open with Share khan / Anand rathi (use .com and inter to web site)
For share kahn / anandraathi the entery fee wil be 700 (Regitration fee)
2. Invest 5k or 10 K , it will be in the account as savings account, by that money you can buy shares.
log in to the partiuclar web portal (once u got the registrain)
they will list out best buys. initially you will feel its difficult, but its easy. if u invest 5K , but some shares, see the market the share price is going up or down. when u purchase a share its share value must be less. suppoe one share value is Rs. 100/- you are buying 20 shares. meanins 20x100 will deduct from ur initial fund, and its wil show the purchase of shares, wait and see some time when the share price gone up example Rs120/- , sell the share , u r getting Rs. 20/- benefit. means 20x20=400/- , now ur accouint balance is 5000+400=5400/- right?
3. This Rs400/- u can transfer to you SB (Normal account) account.
See the brokers predeictions. many times it will work out.
i will suggest you initially u buy shares with less value.
catch hold of some companies shares (See economic times) and watch the incresse or decrese. (Ups and downs ) of the partiluar shares.
Hope you got it.