Do you know any good stock market charts? I would like a charts that show the individual days up to a year back along with the actual time of the price quote. Thanks
Four answers:
2010-12-28 16:03:41 UTC
Check on your broker's trading platform. All of my brokers' charting packages have those traits and other programmable functions.
Daniel S
2010-12-28 23:25:58 UTC
you can get this from Yahoo Finance.
Go to
Enter the ticker you are interested in, in the box in the upper L hand corner of the page.
you will see a chart appear on the R side of the quote page. Click the little 1y icon under the chart to look at a 1 year chart. If you want to see more specifics, ie time of day, etc. shorten the time that the chart is for or select from their options in the menus they give.
Jim Z
2010-12-29 22:20:23 UTC
Everyone has their own preference depending on their knowledge of trading stocks.
Here is a good site for beginners and experienced. Make sure you take the tutorial on MacD and Stochastic charts included in the site. Stocks in the A list on the site are excellent for building a watch list.
for more experienced
2010-12-29 00:50:51 UTC
Big Charts has a 10 day chart, for trend trading, and a 10 year chart..